Concierge Medicine

Richard R. Bobé, MD, FACP

Internist & Concierge Doctor located in Delray Beach, FL

If you want access to convenient and highly personalized medical care, enrolling in a concierge medicine program makes sense. By paying a flat fee, you can visit the doctor whenever you need it, no matter the reason. Richard R. Bobé, MD, offers concierge medicine to men and women at his private practice in Delray Beach, Florida. To schedule your appointment, call the office and speak with a friendly team member or book online today.

Concierge Medicine Q & A

What is concierge medicine?

Concierge medicine is a relatively new care delivery model that gives you direct access to your primary care physician. Under the traditional fee-for-service (FFS) model, you paid for every doctor’s visit. Concierge medicine is different in that you pay a flat monthly or yearly fee and receive unlimited access.

Concierge medicine providers, like Dr. Bobé, offer same-day appointments, comprehensive care, and highly personalized treatments whenever necessary. Because treatment is retainer-based, Dr. Bobé can take on fewer patients. Fewer patients means more one-on-one time and an increased ability to improve your health and quality of life.

Am I a good candidate for concierge medicine?

Anyone who wants to improve their health and receive highly personalized medical care in a warm, welcoming environment can benefit from concierge medicine. 

Dr. Bobé treats all of his patients like members of the family. He sets aside plenty of time for each appointment and develops custom care plans based on each individual’s health history, goals for treatment, and unique needs.

To schedule your concierge medicine appointment at the practice of Richard R. Bobé, MD, call the office or book online today.