
Richard R. Bobé, MD, FACP

Internist & Concierge Doctor located in Delray Beach, FL

Perhaps the scariest type of illness is one that you don’t know you have and, therefore, cannot control. Nearly 30% of all adults in the United States have hypertension, and many of them have no idea that anything is amiss. In Delray Beach, Florida, Richard R. Bobé, MD, monitors patients’ blood pressure and helps them learn to manage their hypertension. To find out if you have hypertension or how to prevent it, if you don’t, call Dr. Bobé's office or book an appointment online today.

Hypertension Q & A

What is hypertension?

Even if you've never heard the term "hypertension," you probably have learned a lot about high blood pressure. Hypertension is a more technical term for the same condition. It affects your body increasingly over time and can lead to more serious health consequences if you don't take steps to manage it. 

Untreated high blood pressure can lead to:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Dementia
  • Kidney failure
  • Eye damage

Nearly everyone's blood pressure increases with age. You can't stop your blood pressure's natural increase, but Dr. Bobé can help you learn to keep it under control and prevent further problems.

What causes hypertension?

The underlying cause of high blood pressure is your blood vessels becoming narrower. As this happens, your blood exerts more force on the vessel walls, which can damage them. Your heart must also work harder to pump blood through your cardiovascular system.

One type of hypertension, called primary hypertension, is a stand-alone condition started or worsened by environmental factors. They include:

  • Stress
  • A lack of exercise
  • Eating too much salt
  • Hormone activity
  • Taking certain medications

Sometimes, hypertension appears as a symptom of another condition. This is called secondary hypertension. You might get secondary hypertension from:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Sleep apnea
  • Kidney disease
  • Pregnancy
  • Alcoholism

There is a lot about the mechanisms of high blood pressure that is still unknown. After getting an idea of your habits and health, Dr. Bobé can get an idea of the factors that contribute to your high blood pressure.

How can I manage my high blood pressure?

If your blood pressure isn't too high, you can treat it by exercising more regularly and watching what you eat. Dr. Bobé can give you specific tips for these and other lifestyle changes that might help you reduce your hypertension. 

If your blood pressure is high and Dr. Bobé thinks you're at risk of getting cardiovascular disease, he may prescribe you some blood pressure-managing medications. You'll still need to make a few lifestyle changes as a precaution, but the medications will lower your blood pressure significantly and quickly. 

Monitoring your blood pressure consistently is the only way to ensure that you don't have hypertension and aren't at risk of developing it. To learn more about hypertension and its risks, call Dr. Richard R. Bobé, MD, or request your appointment online today.